On the surface, we seem like well-adjusted adults, simply living and making our way in the world in which we live. But the enemy has other plans. He has the ability to create giants in our lives that dwarf us and make us lose our perspective and our testimony of what we know is true. This Summer Bible Study address and helps you with that!
The study is based on the book Slaying the Giants in Your Life by Dr. David Jeremiah. All you need is the study guide (which I have copies of for each of you) and your bible! The book is nice to have but not necessary. The study guides are designed for individual study (great for if you have to miss a meeting) and group study.
This is Melissa St. Louis-Curry. I am inviting you to join Bob (My husband) and me in a Summer Bible Study that began Sunday, June 4th, from 4:30 - 6 PM. Email me for details about location and to ask any questions or comments. thelibrarian0241@gmail.com
A little bit about the study from the back of the guide:
Through the lies of fear, loneliness, and failure, Satan tries to keep us from fulfilling our potential in Christ. Through feelings of anger, guilt, and jealousy, he tries to cloud our vision and distort our focus on our great reward. So how can we slay these giants that tower over us and terrorize our spiritual lives? By turning to that which is immutable, undefeated, and all-powerful - the Word of God! He has not left us without weaponry to defeat these giants.”
Here is a link to an interview of David Jeremiah by Sheila Walsh that serves as a good introduction to the series. https://youtu.be/eoIkFOgm4cQ
Please reply to this email if you are interested and/or you would like more information.
The plan is to meet every Sunday afternoon from 4:30-6:00 beginning June 4th and ending August 27th with the exception of Father’s Day, June 19. The structure of the meetings is for us to listen to David Jeremiah’s teaching, discuss the group questions for that week, then prayer and application.
I hope you will prayerfully consider joining us as we study the word of God together, strengthen our walk as followers of Christ, and form deeper relationships with fellow believers.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you,
Melissa Curry