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Writer's pictureMario Bolivar

Parables... Begins Oct 20th

We are excited to invite you to a new sermon series, "Parables--Revisiting Familiar Tales."

Parables are among the hallmark features of Jesus' teaching, often just a sentence or two long, yet rich with meaning. As Mark 4:33-34 states, “With many such parables, He spoke the Gospel to them, as they were able to hear it; he did not speak to them except in parables, but he explained everything in private to his disciples." While we may not have access to all of these private explanations, we are invited to engage deeply with the parables themselves.

The Gospel writers deliberately left most parables open-ended, trusting the the Holy Spirit would guide us to discover meaning, interpretation and understandings.

Each time we revisit these tales, we may uncover distinct messages that resonate differently. Reducing a parable to a single meaning diminishes not only its beauty but also its ethical richness. These stories function much like poetry, brimming with layers of meaning that unfold as we grow in faith and purposeful study.

Throughout this series, we encourage you to open your heart to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Together, let us revisit these familiar tales that Jesus shared for the benefit of all God’s people. Take comfort in knowing that if the disciples—particularly Peter, James, and John—could find grace, peace, and purpose amidst their misunderstandings, so too can we.

The parables may challenge us to confront the hidden aspects of our own values and lives. They compel us to ask difficult questions and reveal answers we've long known but may have refused to acknowledge. Our faith has often been defined as a source of comfort for the afflicted and an affliction for the comfortable. These parables surprise, challenge, and sometimes shake us to our core, urging us to view life from a different perspective.

As we embark on this journey through Jesus' parables, let us remember that they serve as tools to help us see the world anew and to challenge us in our daily conduct. By engaging with these stories, we will grow in our understanding of God's message and find the valuable lessons that await us.

Join us each Sunday as we explore these transformative parables and allow the Spirit to guide our reflections. We look forward to seeing you there!

This series will run over the next six Sundays and will conclude at the end of November. We will delve into some of Jesus' most profound and thought-provoking parables, starting with the Good Samaritan and concluding with the Rich Man and Lazarus.

October 20th - The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

October 27th - The Pearl of Great Price (Matthew 13:45-46)

November 3rd - The Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14)

November 10th - The Laborers in the Vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16)

November 17th - The Widow and the Judge (Luke 18:1-8)

November 24th - The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31)

How You Can Prepare:

  1. Read the Scriptures: Familiarize yourself with the parables we will be discussing each week. Take time to read and reflect on the selected passages in advance.

  2. Pray for Insight: Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your understanding and to reveal personal insights as you engage with these stories.

  3. Journaling: Consider keeping a journal to record your thoughts, questions, and any revelations you experience during the series.

  4. Discuss with Others: Engage in conversations with fellow congregants about the parables. Share insights and interpretations to enrich your understanding.

  5. Be Open-Minded: Approach each parable with an open heart and mind, ready to be surprised by what God may reveal to you.

Together, let’s embark on this transformative journey as we revisit these familiar tales and discover the depth of their meaning for our lives today.

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