With the coordination of the Finance Committee, the Session has built a financial plan that sustains and shapes our future, and we are bringing this plan to you, seeking your prayers and financial support. To give online visit www.fpceustis.com/giving
“In Response to the Good News of the Gospel”
Generosity Mid-year Campaign 2022
1. Property Maintenance and Improvements $ 40,000
2. Congregational Life 20,000
3. Worship Experience 25,000
Total Needed $ 85,000
The ministry goals below are not in order of priority.
Ruling Elders will determine the course of action as funding becomes available.
Thank you for all your trust, support, and generosity.
Hardening and grounding of Electrical System in the Sanctuary
Meeting Adjustments allocated to staff compensation
Paint Inside Walls and Doors Fellowship Hall
Paint Inside Walls of Gathering Place (Sanctuary Area)
Improvements of Parlor/Foyer (Sanctuary Area)
Audio/Visual Equipment in Fellowship Hall
Audio/Visual Equipment in Sanctuary
Children – Vacation Bible School
Youth – End of Year “Winter” Camp
Addressing the Air Conditioning of the Sanctuary
Meeting the estimate of deficiency from the approved Budget vs. Anticipated Income