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A Small Step Results in Home Ownership

Dalton Yancy

About three years ago, a couple who rented a home for their family and their three small children received a scholarship to attend FPCE’s Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. This is a ministry, facilitated by Jim and Karen Egret, to teach and administer education in financial planning.

The couple wanted to become homeowners, but their credit rating wouldn’t allow them to qualify for a mortgage.

After taking the nine week course, they started getting their credit in order by prioritizing their expenditures, credit card payments and their lifestyle.

Today, they are homeowners. Obviously, their tenacity towards a goal and their desire to build their family was important, but equally important were the skills and tools they obtained by attending and applying the principles taught from their study and attendance of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University.

This study is an important ministry for our church and it reaches people who need Financial Peace. But remember, that one of the things our Savior told us: “I will give you peace.” (Matthew 11:28)

Through our ministries, we never know what the impact may be or how long it may take. But here is an example of what a glorious outcome can happen. As Pastor Mario proclaims, “It is a God-incidence!”

As we plan to leave 2020 in our rear view mirror, remember that our newly elected Session will need to have an estimate of our church income. If you have not sent in your estimate of your commitment, please do so. If your conditions change, you may always adjust it. Make a difference!



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