4th Annual Chili Cook-Off
Join us Sunday March 30th from 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM at the intersection of S. Center St. and Citrus Ave. as every cook in the kitchen gets the chance at wooden spoon bragging rights in our 4th Annual Chili Cook-Off. There will be a $10 entry fee ($30 max per family). Proceeds of this event will support our Children's Ministry.

There is a $25 entry fee to compete. Booth setup and check-in begins on Sunday, March 30th at 8:00am. Cooking may begin once your team is setup. Expect to be prepared to serve to the public from 12:00pm until 2:00pm. There will be a team cook meeting at 9:00am in the Fellowship Hall. You will be provided a container by FPCE, which will be labeled as "Judges Choice" and have your team number on it. These cups must be turned in to the judges table in the Fellowship Hall at 12:00pm. Do not put any garnish or toppings on your chili in your submission to the judges.
You are welcome to cook on site, however this is not required. If you are planning to attend worship on Sunday, bring your crock pot, we'll have space arranged for you to keep your chili warm.
One crockpot full should be sufficient, but feel free to prepare more if you wish. Keep in mind, people can't vote for you if you run out, before they can try yours.
We will provide 2 oz. sample cups and spoons for your team to serve up your chili to the public. Your team will also be provided a sharpie to mark your sample cups with your team number.
You will be given a 10 x 10 area in FPCE’s main parking lot on the corner of Citrus and South Center Street

You may bring a tent, tables, chairs, napkins, condiments (i.e. cheese, onions, crackers, hot sauce, etc.). Each team is given a 10 x 10 space to set up your cooking/serving area.
You may bring a small generator, propane burner or sterno food warmers.
JUDGING BEGINS at 12:00pm for both the public fan favorite and our guest judges. All winners will be announced at 2:15pm.